Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Two Types of Libertarians

For the most part Libertarians and Anarchists get along. We both don't like government, we both agree consenting adults should be allowed to do what they want within reason and both groups for some reason flock to deserts. Now that being said Libertarians as a whole can be broken down into two groups, generally. Really smart people and really crazy people.
 What I mean by this is, you have the group of smart kids, the ones in high school who would debate politics, maybe started off skewed a little right, then became full blown Libertarians in college or maybe they didn't go to college, but I digress. Next you have the crazy Libertarians, which anyone in the more extremist communities could be a little familiar with. These are your drug dealers, your backwoods rednecks that believe you can fight off an army with an AR-15, and your hyper extremists who prep for the revolution and have a shrine to Gary Johnson in their bomb shelter
                                Praise our lord and savior Gary Johnson May you deliver us from the GOP