Saturday, November 9, 2013

Anarchism and Social/Personal Responsibility

 A lot of times when people think of Anarchism, all they see is people looking to dismantle the government. It seems to many people forget for a working Anarchist society to, well work, we need social and personal responsibility. I will go into depth in this post about responsibility. I'll even give some tips to YOU about how we can take the bastards in charge down by taking responsibility for our actions and environment.
 First things first, let me explain a few facts about what an Anarchist society would take to work. We need to maintain roads, schools, hospitals, pretty much all functioning services the government provides now. Who will do all of this? Well the people of course, if we don't maintain these services we will lose a quality of life and prove we need government after all. We can't allow ourselves to prove we need someone to wash our dishes for us, especially not some fat cat politicians.
                        Quick reminder I don't own the Copyright to this, but I am using it as an educational example. I believe the links at the
                                bottom of the image are credits. SO thank those guys. 

 Now while it may be a bit away from us maintaining our own education system or setting up a free health care network, what can we do now? It's easy, see a pothole in the road...fill it, see trash on the ground...pick it up and recycle or compost it, basketball hoop at the public park missing a net...make one, etc. It is not that hard, little things are what will give the government less power. They may have the guns, but if we don't need them, we'll beat them down and take their guns from them.
 There is one negative thing I want to talk about the Anarchist scene and it's needless destruction of property. While destroying government property seems like a good idea, remember there are facilities people use. If you light a children's slide on fire at a park, you aren't sticking it to the man, you are ruining some 6 year old's day. You break open mail boxes, you aren't making a statement that the United States Postal Service is fascist, you are stopping someone from talking to their Grandma. Do you guys get the picture? If you so choose to throw a brick through a cop car or spray paint something on a courthouse, that's your choice and possibly justifiable. But, when you start destroying the services people use, and lowering a quality of life, you make all of us look jerks hurting the cause.
 Just keep all of this in mind. I know it's hard to take responsibility for the world around you, but do your own dishes.

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