Tuesday, November 12, 2013

DIY Youth Subculture Alive and Well, but Not Really

 Being a "punk" kid in these times is a bit different than it was at anytime previous. On one hand there are a lot more people making their own music, independently releasing music (thanks to Band Camp), and a great range of free thought available thanks to the  internet. On the other hand a lot of the 80's/90's DIY environment is dying, being replaced by newer venues, music, and social media.
 Things change, and I get that. I am not from that generation, but every time I hear of a 20-30 year old independent venue closing down I get kind of sad. When I hear that this year's PIX Fest may be the last I get sad. When I hear about bands breaking up and musicians retiring I get REALLY sad. The reason I get so dang sad is, I realize in 20-30 years punk will be around, I still believe the youth culture will be strong, and I still believe people will playing 3 chords as fast as they can with their thoughts and opinions blaring. I just know I won't recognize it at all.
 It reminds me of the Descendants song "When I Get Old"...it scares me a bit not going to lie. I bet when Chris Calvin was young he never saw it coming, same thing with Brett Gurewitz, Ian Mackaye, Jello Biafra, that the scenes they built, the culture they contributed to, the music they invented would be so drastically different in time. I guess I could waste my time whining about it or I could just get over it and accept it.

I bet Milo, never saw it coming either!

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